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Iberico breed pigs (75%), which gives the hams tenderness and intense marbling. Raised in the richest dehesa in Spain on a gourmet diet for a sublime patanegra fat!


Our animals are raised in full dehesa for 24-36 months minimum so that our pigs benefit from two seasons of Bellota. The aging in mountain air, doubled to 42 months, ensures a structured, delicate taste without any hints of salt.

Iberico Ham - Cebo de Campo DOP

1 Kilogram
  • Traceability : DOP Guijuelo = traceability label and guarantee of compliance with minimum breeding and maturing criteria (breed, extensive breeding, bellota-based feed, minimum maturing time). The European DOP label certifies our commitments in terms of breeding and maturing.


    Integrated production method : Natural diet based on alpine and Mediterranean flora, as well as oak acorns. Occasional food supplements made from cereals (corn, barley, oats), without fattening flour.


    100% original : Extensive free range breeding doubled from 24 to 36 months versus 18 months on average on the market.


    Ingredients : Iberian acorn-fed pork, E-250, E-252


    Allergens : None. Gluten free. Lactose free.

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